why do I take photos?

We are all taking photos. Using our smartphone, our camera, or even with drawing. But the first photo we took, is using our eyes.

Our smartphone, camera, or drawing is trying to replicate those images in our eyes. We hope that we can capture and save those feelings in the photos, so we can share with other people and they could feel the same feelings. Do not ever bothering what tools you use. Even your smartphone is enough. Do not worry about the megapixels, because you are trying to capture feelings, not only images. 

I always want to share the exact feeling when I took the photos to others. The fact is that not all the people will get the message. It's not a problem for me. If I am the only one who can understand it, it will be enough. 


Moment is something that happened in a very instant time. Sometimes you can capture that moment, sometimes you can't. You can also create that moment using post processing apps when editing photos. You can crop the photos, you can increase/decrease the contrast, you can edit the curve, you can make it monochrome, etc. There are no restriction on doing this.

Some people will say "it's cheating!!" or "it's fake!!", but who cares. You are the most egoistic person in the world, you have to only satisfy yourself. 

"You can get totally messed up trying to please everyone with what you do, but ultimately, you have to please yourself."    

The other fact is I like to take pictures of things I love. Coffee for example. I rarely get bored when taking coffee photos. I could take millions photos of latte art, because it always differs from time to time. You can't make the same latte art twice, just like you can't paint the same exact paintings.

At the time you get bored with same type of photos, you can try to take photos of another object. If I was bored of getting coffee photos, I take people potraits, or buildings.


Timor Leste.2017

The most difficult part for me is getting the mood and time for getting potraits. I am working on 8am-5pm routinity. And my city is pretty boring. I can't find anything interesting. So the trick is, I open my old photos, and try to find something potential in boring photos that could be "cheated" using post proccessing apps. During my holiday, which is 3-months interval, I try to take a bunch of photos, hoping that in the future I could see the interesting part inside them. 

The key is "do not post the photos on the same day you take it".

God Bless You,


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